Let's get one thing straight - the Tories are like a bunch of greedy pigs rolling around in their own filth. They don't give a damn about the working-class people who are struggling to make ends meet. Instead, they're too busy scheming up ways to make themselves richer, all while screwing over the rest of us.
If you're wondering why the housing market is so damn expensive, it's because the Tories have been rigging it for years. They've created all sorts of dodgy schemes and tax loopholes to inflate prices. It's no secret that the Tories are a bunch of landowners. And when the housing market goes up thanks to their market interventions, so does the value of all the land and houses they own. It's a win-win situation for them, but for the rest of us? We're screwed.
Let me tell you something, Tories. You may have all the money in the world, but you can't buy happiness. You can't buy the feeling of security that comes with having a place to call home. And you certainly can't buy the respect of the people you're supposed to be serving.
It's time for the Tories to stop lining their own pockets and start serving the people. It's time for them to stop creating schemes and loopholes that only benefit themselves. It's time for them to start caring about the people who put them in power.
So, to the Tories - stop being a bunch of greedy pigs and start doing your damn job. The people of this country deserve better than your selfish, money-grabbing ways.